Parker I.M. Achromatic Matt Black Edition

Så lav som kr 414,50

kr 414,50

Roller ball
kr 554,61

Fyllepenn (F-Fin)
kr 753,10

Fyllepenn (M-Medium)
kr 753,10
Gratis gravering med et navn eller tekst etter eget valg
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  • Bestilt før 15:00, gravert og sendt i dag
  • Gratis frakt for bestillinger over kr 1 120,90

Gratis gravering med et navn eller tekst etter eget valg

Gravering av en penn er en flott måte å gi en luksuriøs penn i gave. 

Mer informasjon om gravering


The modern and contemporary professional uses the Parker I.M. Achromatic Matt Black Edition at all times. The clever use of technological manufacturing processes has resulted in the distinctive Parker pen meeting all current writing requirements. Both the Parker I.M. Achromatic Matt Black Edition fountain pen and ballpoint pen feature a chrome clip and medium nib design.

Unique design with craft

The matte black design of the pen creates a contemporary look. Moreover, the nib is made of high quality stainless steel, making it last for years. In addition, the pen features a special black PVD coating, which protects against corrosion. The unique design with monochrome details characterizes the craft for which Parker is known.

A Parker pen with personal engraving offers the possibility to have a personal engraving placed in the pen. This is possible for both fountain pens and ballpoints. It is also possible to place an engraving in the pen both left- and right-handed. Take a look at our surprising range of Parker I.M. Achromatic Matt Black Edition pens in the web shop.


Mer informasjon
Lengde lukket penn (mm)140
Diameter (mm)11
Mekanismeikke aktuelt
Fargen på blekketIkke aktuelt
Garanti (år)2
Graveringens fargeSølvgrå